Conversations on Business and Human Rights from Around the World

• In this series, activists, business executives, government officials, lawyers, and academics from around the world share topical and current stories of businesses impacting people in their everyday lives. Developed by the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), this series elevates the range of voices – governments, businesses, and civil society – in the discussion on how to make human rights part of everyday business.

Charles Radcliffe


Workers perform better if they feel safe and respected at workplace. And yet, not only is discrimination persists, women, LGBTI employees, and ethnic or religious minorities have often faced disadvantaged and been subjected to harassment and bullying. People have begun to challenge that and speaking up against that, and there is wider recognition of the fact that discrimination is bad for business. In this conversation with IHRB’s Salil Tripathi, Charles Radcliffe of the UN Human Rights Office, talks about the issues and talks about the new Corporate Standards of Business to tackle discrimination against LGBTI people.

Charles Radcliffe heads the equality and non-discrimination team at the United Nations Human Rights Office in New York. He also leads the UN’s work on the rights of lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people and directs UN Free and Equal – a multimedia campaign that promotes equal rights and fair treatment for LGBTI people globally. Prior to joining the United Nations in 2006, Charles was a founding staff member, and for seven years vice-president, of the International Crisis Group. He began his career as a researcher at the British House of Commons and later as a speechwriter and policy adviser to several British and Australian politicians. He holds a First Class Honours Degree in Law from King’s College London in the United Kingdom and a Masters Degree in International Relations from Sydney University, Australia.



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 8.28MB - Duration: 9:07 m (127 kbps 44100 Hz)

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