Just Transitions for All: Business, Human Rights and Climate Action

Climate change has profound implications for human rights. People who are already among the most vulnerable are particularly hard-hit, and the rights of future generations are already at stake. Climate action needs to happen fast. But it also needs to be participatory and fair. This is where the growing agenda around a ‘just’ transition to a zero-carbon future comes in.

This report looks at the business and human rights community’s distinctive contribution to effective climate action. It argues that there are at least four ways that business and human rights good practice can strengthen implementation of a just transition.

Drawing on insights from climate justice, sustainable development, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the rapidly evolving body of experience with just transition itself, the report is a primer for anyone involved in the climate change and business and human rights communities of policy and practice.

Image above: 20 year old Meenakshi Dewan tends to maintenance work on the solar street lighting in her solar powered village of Tinginaput, India. Meenakshi is one of 4 women who has been trained in solar powered enginneering. By Abbie Traylor-Smith / Panos Pictures via Climate Visuals.